The link below will bring you a large selection of images to choose from. These galleries are constantly updated with new material, so please come back again if you do not see anything which attracts you.
To purchase a particular image or images follow these three simple steps:
1) Take note of the code number in a yellow circle at the bottom right of the picture from the galleries.
2) Choose a size from the price list.
3) Send your order to C de F Photography - Villa Cedrus - Faubourg d’Orléans - 45340 Boiscommun - France, with a cheque in Sterling
Welcome to the Boutique
where C de F Photography now offers a full retail service of hand prints for the connoisseur and collector as well as the individual who would love to possess his own exclusive image.
Should you have any queries please contact us via either E-mail at: or telephone: 00 33 238 33 89 95.
Should you have any queries please contact us via either E-mail at: or telephone: 00 33 238 33 89 95.